Prospecting via HubSpot Sales Meetings can be your fastest and easiest New Year’s resolution. Selling remotely means that you jump between online meetings. Quite often, you cannot find the link to join the next conversation. If you talk to a potential prospect, you need to have this bit well organised: sending reminders about the forthcoming meeting, recording, calls not overlapping.
HubSpot offers a sales meeting tool that will help you to organise yourself better. What’s more, it can be a great online booking tool for 1-1 meetings, appointments, consultations and more. The moment someone books a session with you, that person’s details information will be logged in CRM, and you will have access to a list of contacts who booked an appointment with you.
In your HubSpot, you can define several different meeting links representing all stages of your sales and marketing conversations. It integrates with your Google or Outlook calendar.
How to use HubSpot Sales Meeting Tool? Key takeaways:
- Sales Meeting booked via HubSpot Sales Meeting tool will increase conversion compared to submitting the form
- Create more than one sales meeting that will reflect your buyer’s journey
- Make sure your sales meeting is synchronise with your calendar
- Create engaging content before and after meeting (reminder message, thank you page, after-meeting workflow)
- Collect information to qualify prospect (job title, turnover, goals & challenges)
- Create list of prospects who booked time with you to nurture relationship.
This webinar is useful for business owners and sales managers who consider HubSpot for their online sales meetings.
Type of content: Webinar Recording
Date: 15 January 2021
Duration: 40 min
Language: English
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