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Mastering Content for Conversions: A Guide to Success

Welcome to episode twelve of the H2H Sales Automation Podcast, where we explore the world of content creation. In this episode, Bart welcomes Eloise Leeson-Smith, a renowned linguist, to explore the art of creating customer-focused content.

Eloise leeson smith content creation











The Key to Creating Content that Converts

Oh – that age-old question!

How do you create content that converts? How do you inspire action, light up your community, make that life-changing sale?

All these wonderful, important things are sparked from an interaction. But in a digital age, those interactions are happening more and more frequently through the lens of content. 

Where content in years gone by would have been a printed advert, or a beautifully crafted shop display, we’re now immersed in a world of overwhelm. The volume (both audibly, and in amount) has gone up. People are frazzled, fatigued, and frittered. Their energy is sapped – so the bar has been raised.

But what to do when we live in an age of instant gratification? Yes, the siren-song of shortcuts is so tempting it’s almost irresistible – but as with most things, when it comes to creating marketing content, the market will give you what you deserve. 

You don’t need us to tell you that the quality of your content directly impacts your sales results.

If you want to truly connect with customers in a meaningful way, you need to focus on crafting high-value content tailored specifically to their needs.

In this post, that’s exactly what we’ll cover. Ready to learn how to create converting content that delights customers and fuels business growth? Let’s go!

Eloise podcast

Start with Research, Not Assumptions

Many businesses make the mistake of starting with their own goals and assumptions instead of focusing on the customer. Eloise Leeson-Smith, leading Linguist, and host of the Next-Level Communication Podcast, stresses the importance of research:


“If you’re going to counter all of those assumptions that you have about the market, about how your product is received... you absolutely must know, without a doubt, that what you’re developing and building is actually fit for purpose."


She explains that before you even think about creating any content, spend time researching your audience - their challenges, interests, and preferences. 

Only by speaking with the source can you identify how you can provide real value. This concrete data will help you avoid potential pitfalls and ensure your content resonates with your best clients. Anything else is a waste of time, effort, and resource.

Craft Content That Puts the Focus on Customers

Once you understand customers’ needs, make sure that you craft messaging that speaks directly to them. What does that mean in practice? Well – take a look at your web copy or your sales emails as a starter for 10. 

90%+ of business websites lead with “we, us,” and “our” as the primary pronouns (and focus!) in their messaging.

What about the majority of sales emails? The worst offenders start with “I” – which also tells you where their priorities lie. 

The best content is content that’s not actually about you or your business at all, but your customer – their issues, hopes, fears, and dreams. If you’re not writing for them, why would they listen to you?

As Eloise notes:

“You don't have the right to use the word “we” until you've proved to your customer why you are worth their time.”


For example, instead of saying “We provide great time-saving solutions for busy executives using our proprietary software made by our in-house experts” (yuck) try “Time-saving software that puts more precious moments back in your diary.” Which one would you rather engage with?

Think about it this way – ever been on a crappy first date with someone who just did not stop talking about how amazing they are and showed absolutely zero interest in you as a person? Yeah. Don’t do it in your content.

Make it about their experience, rather than touting your own accomplishments.


Buyer Journey in hubspot


Consider the Full Buyer’s Journey

Now, a word to the wise – it’s pretty unlikely that a single piece of high-quality content won’t directly convert readers (although if you have a formula for this, hit us up! We’d love to know your secrets). 

According to Eloise:

“It takes something like six to seven touch-points for someone to even recognise you... and then take action.”


Instead, you need to guide prospects through the entire buyer’s journey with a cohesive experience. 

Consistency in your content is one of the biggest things that people forget to consider – but if you’re not thinking about making every interaction feel like it all comes from the same business, as Eloise says:

“You’re teaching your customers to distrust you.”


Map out how to continually engage audiences across multiple channels and content types, from blogs to emails to free resources. Each piece should provide value while also moving them towards a conversion or sale – so don’t stifle your creativity here. 

Leverage AI as Part of Your Process

Ah, AI – that elephant in the room. What’s its place in the content creation process?

Well, AI tools can absolutely streamline content creation but most definitely shouldn’t be used as a one-stop-shop. 

Eloise advises first developing a skeleton outline of what you want your post or article to cover, then using AI to generate an initial draft. From there, refine the copy, add more detail, craft it further, incorporate your brand voice and make sure you make your messaging audience and location appropriate.

She then states:

“Go back into the AI and then edit, proof, and refine until you’ve got something that sounds truly sounds like the voice your audience have come to expect from your brand. 

AI allows you to accelerate the drafting process, giving you more time to add in the human, empathetic, creative, innovative approach, which can never be replicated by something without a soul.”


The tea is this: AI’s place is to enhance your content-creation efficiency, allowing you to spend more time crafting standout assets. 

Have Fun With It!

And if you’re sick and tired of the whole content-creation hamster wheel? You’re not alone! 

Creating relevant content on an ongoing basis can become seriously dull over time.  You’ve got to try new things to keep the creativity flowing. 

Eloise recommends bringing an element of fun into the process – think bowls of Lego to play with during meetings, field trips, getting out of the everyday environment – you name it.

“If you're not having fun with your content, why would the person who is on the receiving end of that content enjoy it?”


Try new formats, bring humour into pieces when it’s appropriate (maybe not you, hospice care) and above all, don’t be afraid to experiment. When your team genuinely enjoys content development, that enthusiasm will come across to customers.

content strategy help

The Last Word

At the end of the day, creating great content doesn’t have to be tricky. Just focus on crafting well-researched content that leaves readers feeling valued.

Lead with empathy and aim to solve real needs. This human-centred approach is what will ultimately allow you to drive conversions over the long term, nurturing your community, and doing good business that does good. 

Listen Full Episode here


Ep 12 - Eloise Leeson - Smith: The Key to Creating Content that Converts
Ep 12 - Eloise Leeson - Smith: The Key to Creating Content that Converts
H2H Sales Automation Podcast


I specialize in optimizing the buyer's journey, providing top-notch sales enablement training, spearheading new business development, orchestrating engaging events, and sharing insights through podcasts. My mission is to drive growth, enhance customer experiences, and empower sales teams to excel. Let's elevate your business together.